Time to wrap this up. Looking at the old entries I see I actually started the process at the end of February. At least, I can say it wasn't a snap decision.
In the end, the combination the Channel Master DVR for local, over the air channels and the Playstation Vue service (Via Roku) won out over cable TV. While I didn't start this process as a money saving effort, the savings were to significant to overlook. The Channel Master DVR is an expensive device, but the savings will easily pay for it in just a few months.
I want to clearly say Cox provided good service and is a good corporate citizen so I didn't switch out of anger, dissatisfaction or a rate change. I'm still using the Cox Internet service and not considering another provider.
Lessons Learned:
As I said when I started, if you want to sit back and channel surf nothing is as convenient as Cable TV. Using multiple providers for different groups of programming is a little more work.
The quality of the over the air signal is completely dependent on your location, the quality of your antenna, and will vary with the weather. What works for me may not work for you.
After working with computers for a few decades, I have a pretty high frustration threshold. Things I see as minor inconveniences might drive others over the edge.
This is a rapidly changing marketplace. Be prepared to change.