Sony has service, similar to SlingTV, that I had not tried since it was only available on the Playstion game console.
The Sony PSVue service is now available on the Roku, Chromecast, and several other streaming devices. I've been taking advantage of the free trial offer for the last several days. So far, I like it. I was on the road to Sling when PlayStation Vue became available thru Roku. Three things pushed me towards PSVue.
- Many "togo" tablet apps validate with PSVue just as they do with the cable providers.
- Programs on PSVue seem to have more availability of FF/Pause/RW controls.
- It seems like PSVue does a better, more consistent job of making past episodes of shows available. (I could be wrong on this, but it's working for the shows I watch.)
Sling was better on a couple of points
- Sling has BBC America. I'll miss that.
- Sling has several Fox Alternate Sports Channels.
One important point. The PSvue interface on the Roku is not great. Typical of Sony devices, it tries to do to much, with too many options. It makes the Sling interface look brilliant by comparison. I often resorted to using the Channel Guide on the PSvue tablet or phone app.
Bottom Line, the combination of PSVue and HBOnow is significantly less than the cost of cable. So, the cost of the ChannelMaster DVR+ is offset in a few months.
Just one other note -
The ease of use and consistent quality level are still much better with cable. But the difference in price is getting hard to ignore.
At some point soon I'll need to make a decision.