This is number 23 in the series "Print-a-Day for 30 Days."
You might have to be a photographer to appreciate this photo. For most people, I'm sure the idea of setting up a tripod to take a picture of an alley may seem a bit odd. The juxtaposition of extreme care and dumpy subject makes me smile.
The photo didn't require anything special for print. It was an exercise in using a couple of the newer tools in Photoshop 6. The original photo was a quick snapshot taken with a very wide angle lens that happened to be on the camera at the time. The perspective was a mess, and there was a lot of distortion that was corrected with the new wide angle tool. If you examine the brick pattern on the lower right, you'll see a small mis-match left over from the removal of a tree by one of the content-aware tools.
It was fun experimenting with this one and it was a good learning experience.