Merritt's guide - 99 cents on Amazon
This week was going to be a review of Sling-TV, but Sling pitched a curve ball. They upgraded the apps to improve performance on a few devices and changed the interface a bit. So I'm re-testing Sling.
In the meantime, Tom Merritt has published the guide to Cordcutting you see in the photo. It's only 99 cents, available for the Kindle or Kindle app. If you're a prime member you can borrow it for free.
At 18 pages it's good, concise advice for people exploring the options. Tom speaks with authority. He and Brian Brushwood have hosted a weekly podcast on this topic for several years. You can subscribe to a video version on YouTube or listen to the audio version on your favorite podcatcher.
If you're more than curious, the book is worth a buck. The podcast is free.